The Denver International Airport Exhibit - Expanded
Brief exerpts of the stories from the book - Katrina Blair: Local Wild Life Café
Katrina Blair: When I was eighteen, I camped out in the woods for a summer, by myself eating mostly wild foods. I brought flaxseeds, buckwheat and sunflower seeds and soaked them in the morning for breakfast. I ate greens, berries and roots from the wild. I worked in town with Parks and Recreation and would bike back and forth, stashing my bike in the woods before retreating to my camp. Sometimes if my students didn’t finish their lunches, I would ask "You don’t want that?" and eat their leftovers. At one point, I stayed in the woods for two weeks without coming to town. I remember thinking— "I need to talk to someone!"
In the beginning, when I first started camping out in the woods, I was a little nervous about being alone. Not scared of animals, but humans. So I slept with the little wooden hatchet that I used for making fires next to my pillow for a week. Nothing happened of course. The fear went away and never returned. My camp was very well hidden. Even my father couldn’t find me.
I realized I wanted to follow my calling for sustainable living in more depth. I went to graduate school in Orinda, California at John F. Kennedy University for Holistic Health Education. There I met like-minded people who wanted to expand their consciousness. I was blessed to live on the edge of Redwood Regional Park where the wild plants were abundant, delicious and just outside my door. Online at: Turtle Lake
The Breakfast Apple Cobbler
- 1 cup sunflower seeds (soaked and drained)
- 1 cup almonds (soaked and drained)
- 2 cups dates
Grind them in cuisinart until they become dough consistency.
Form this dough into a pie pan for the crust.
- 4 apples
- 1 lemon
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp vanilla
Grind the apples in the food processor until it become apple saucy.
Fill your pie pan with the filling, decorate the top and serve for a breakfast of champions!