About the Photographer: Andrew Lipton
Andrew Lipton at Three Turkey Pueblo near Canyon de Chelly in Arizona
Andrew Lipton became interested in photography at an early age, becoming a serious amateur. He was particularly interested in landscape and nature photography. It was not until his early 50’s that he first began using a digital camera. In the winter of 2007 he met Katherine Leiner and his involvement with Growing Roots began when he joined her on a Spring journey across the country, visiting many of the young people who became profiles in the book.
When not taking pictures, Andrew Lipton is a practicing attorney who handles primarily occupational disease and environmental cases. He has been handling toxic tort cases involving diseases caused by asbestos, benzene, beryllium, pesticides, vinyl chloride and other kinds of workplace carcinogens. Through his involvement with Growing Roots he has become interested in trying to halt the spread of genetically modified crops and foods.