The Denver International Airport Exhibit - Expanded

Brief exerpts of the stories from the book - Angelic Organics, Local Choice, The Jamison Lamb Farm & Spinning Spider Creamery

The more I travel, the longer I am on the road the more I see that all over the United States people are beginning to get really involved in this new food revolution. They are reading books like:

  • "Omnivore’s Dilemma" by Michael Pollan
  • "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser
  • "Bring it to the Table" by Wendell Berry
  • "The New Organic Grower" by Elliot Coleman
  • "Edible Schoolyard" by Alice Waters

They are going to life altering movies like:

  • "Food Inc."
  • "King Corn"
  • "The Inconvenient Truth"
  • "The Real Dirt on Farmer John"

In the last several decades our food supply has come under the control of a few multinational corporations. Genetically modified crops are becoming pervasive. More and more of us realize that this inexpensive, mass-produced, processed food comes at a high cost (most of it hidden) to our health, our communities and our environment.

Angelic Organics Barn

Angelic Organics is located in Caledonia, Illinois and was started by Farmer John Peterson and his family. The documentary, "The Real Dirt on Farmer John" is a lighthearted look at his biodynamic farm and CSA (Community Sustainable Agriculture).
Online at: Angelic

Local Choice Roof Sign

Local Choice is a farm market in Spring Green, Wisconsin run by Nicholas Zimmer and the Zimmer Family who are renovating the land at Taliesin and growing organic produce.

Lambs at Jamison Farm

The Jamison Lamb Farm is located in Latrobe, PA and is renowned in the area for the delectable grass fed lambs they raise.
Online at: Jamison

Goats at Spinning Spider Creamery

Spinning Spider Creamery is a micro dairy nestled between the Smokies and the Blue Ridge Mountain where Saanen Goats are grass-fed, providing milk to make a variation of soft goat cheeses.
Online at: Spinning Spider